• Nurse Clinics available at Shires Vets

At Shires Vets in Staffordshire, our nursing team provides a range of services to complement our vet team in providing the best possible advice, treatment and care for your pet.

Our veterinary nursing team at Shires Vets provides the following two main types of service – consultations and clinics:


  • Second vaccinations
  • Repeat Medication
  • Nail clippings
  • Anal gland expression
  • Microchipping
  • Repeat blood testing
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Repeat dressing changes
  • Admits and discharges

Please note that some services incur charges and certain services may only be offered after a consultation with a vet, or at certain branches due to space and facilities.

See a list of our prices

Book a consultation at your local Shires Vet Practice today!

Our experienced veterinary nursing team routinely conducts informative clinics that you and your pet may find beneficial. The following are currently available (some are chargeable):-

  • Post-operative checks
  • Stitches out
  • Bandage changes
  • Nail clipping
  • Grooming
  • Anal gland emptying
  • Dietary advice
  • Microchipping
  • Dental checks
  • Flea and worming advice

Adolescent clinics

These clinics are aimed at dogs between 5 and 9 months of age.

Run by our wonderful nurses, these clinics aim to discuss any concerns you have about your young dog. It is an excellent chance for you to bring your little one to see us without having anything nasty done.

This is an ideal follow-up to our puppy parties. The clinics are free of charge and include:-

  • Weight check
  • Nutritional advice
  • Dental check
  • Advice on neutering
  • Advice on flea and worm control
  • Discussion about insurance
  • Training/behavioural advice
  • Any other concerns you may have

Puppy parties

Puppy parties are run on a Wednesday evening from 7-8 pm at the Eaton Park surgery by Emma Hall and are a great way to socialize your new addition as well as getting them used to coming and visiting us.

We understand that as vets most of the procedures we undertake are either painful or uncomfortable for your pet and can lead to them disliking coming to see us because of negative experiences. Teaching your puppy to be handled by you and strangers whilst making it fun will enable your puppy to gain confidence and not be scared when a clinical exam is needed.

Topics covered during puppy parties include:

  • Socialization
  • Handling exercises
  • Play
  • Interpreting your dog’s body language
  • Reward based training—sit, down, stay, recall
  • Problem behaviours:- Jumping up, play biting, toilet training
  • Neutering advantages and disadvantages

Senior Pet Clinics

These clinics aim to screen our older pets for the early signs of disease. We hope that by offering these clinics as an introductory health screen, we can pick up on problems early and allow your pet to live as long and as happy a life as possible.

The types of diseases that our older pets suffer from (kidney and liver disease, diabetes, overactive thyroid) can creep up slowly and are often only spotted when they are more advanced and more difficult to treat.

Aimed at pets over the age of 7 (5 for giant breed dogs) the clinics include a thorough question and answer session about your pet, a basic clinical examination and a weight check. This may lead to further testing with our in-house laboratory.

Laboratory testing of a urine sample for dogs is included in the price and for cats a blood pressure check is included.

If there are any concerns raised after your clinic we will arrange an appointment with one of our friendly vets to examine your pet more thoroughly and construct an appropriate care plan.

weight clinics Weight clinics

It is estimated 50% of the dog population and 21% of the cat population are overweight. Obesity in pets can lead to diabetes, arthritis, joint problems, exercise intolerance, heart disease and respiratory problems.

These clinics are for dogs and cats that are overweight.

The nurses will discuss your pet’s normal diet and lifestyle and also weigh and measure your dog’s neck, chest and waist. They will then make a weight loss plan tailored to your pet.

Emma Hall is happy to discuss any other issue you may have with your puppy, please do feel free to get in touch with us at Shires Vets.

Save money on your pet’s preventative healthcare

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To spread the cost of routine and essential healthcare for your pet, we offer our Pet Health for Life plan, which includes 2 nurse consults, 2 vet consults, vaccinations, flea and worm treatment, microchipping, anal gland expression, nail clipping and discounts on services.

Join today!