Barbecue dangers to pets

Barbecues and your pets – things to consider  

Picture the scene…you’re in your garden in Stafford, the sun is shining, maybe you have friends and family round to visit, and the charcoals are just about ready for you to start cooking al fresco. The last thing you want is an emergency vet visit to us…


The importance of microchipping your pet

Keeping our pets in Stafford safe is important to all of us as pet owners. They trust us with their care and protection and, as well as feeding, exercising and cuddling them, that includes identifying them so that we can be reunited if we are parted. A…

Top 10 hazards to watch out for this summertime to protect your pets

Summertime in Stafford brings longer days, warmer climates, new adventures and outdoor socialising, which with pets in tow, can be made even more enjoyable! However, when the temperatures rise, the dangers to our pets increase too. To keep pets safe, you should be aware of potential hazards,…

Adopt a pet – save a life

If recent months in Stafford have meant you put your new pet plans on hold, you may now be starting to put the wheels in motion to extend your family and welcome a new member. Many people Google reputable breeders or consider designer dogs based on celebrity…

Spring hazards in Stafford

Spring is an exciting time for most of us in Stafford, pets included! Lighter nights mean more opportunities for being outdoors in the spring months in Stafford. To ensure a happy and safe season for your animals, take a minute to make yourself aware of hidden spring…

Protect your dog against kennel cough

Does your dog come into regular contact with other dogs in Stafford? Maybe out on walks, or at the local Stafford park or when they’re staying in kennels? If so, we’d highly recommend a Kennel Cough vaccine or booster. Kennel Cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a very…

Tortoise parasite prevention in Stafford

Do you own a tortoise in Stafford? If so, it is recommended to have a worm count carried out on your tortoise twice a year. A worm count can be carried out by obtaining a faecal sample, which can be tested in practice. It is common for…

Tooth Brushing Guide for Small Animals

Brushing is by far the best method of keeping your pet’s teeth clean in Stafford and is more successful if taken in stages. Ideally, it would help if you brushed your dog’s teeth at least once daily or three times per week at a minimum to help…

Do you ever wonder why your pet needs its annual boosters?

Let’s look at why annual visits are important for your pet.   You’re probably aware that when you get a puppy or kitten in Stafford, you’re going to need to visit the vet for vaccinations, flea and tick prevention and other treatments. However, to maintain your pet’s health and…