Milksure Training

Bulk Tank Residues – MilkSure Training

The MilkSure course is a training initiative that has been around for a couple of years now. Its aim is to safeguard the production of milk which is free of veterinary drug residues. Training is provided by vets for their own clients using a workbook and online…

New Faces at Shires Vets

It’s time to introduce some new faces!

As many of you will already be aware we have had a few staff changes recently, and we have a couple of new faces to introduce. Adam Reeves is joining us as a full time farm vet. “I qualified from Liverpool University in 2010 and have worked…

BVD Free Logo

BVD Free England Scheme

What is BVD? BVD is a highly contagious viral diseases of cattle. It is one of the biggest disease issues facing the UK cattle industry. BVD has been estimated to cost between £13 and £31 per cow in Great Britain. The national cost could be as high…